We gather at 9 + 10:45AM at 2881 Walker Rd. in Hilliard, OH.
No matter who you are, where you are from or what you believe, you are welcome here!
Movement Worship.
Every person worships something. We direct our worship to God, his Son Jesus, with the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We won’t entertain. We won’t seek recognition. Musical worship at Movement Church exists to honor God exclusively.
We sing songs written by the Movement Worship team and songs written by other church communities around the world. We put forth our best efforts to serve God with excellence because he deserves our sincerest offerings.
We serve God, the author of creative expression, while filling worship experiences with creative moments that inspire and encourage the church to become fully devoted worshipers. (Colossians 3:23, Exodus 35: 31-33)
Movement Kids.
“Truth” is everywhere. The truth comes from the Word of God and is revealed to us by His Son, Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. Every classroom in our Children's Ministry is designed for that age group to experience God and know the truth about who He is. From gospel centered activities to lessons from the Bible, we will raise up the next generation of followers of Jesus.
There is no lack of information for the generations of digital natives. We seek to partner with parents as we guide these little ones through the bog of the data to find the wisdom found in God’s Word. Our ministry doesn’t stop when Sunday is over but stretches into the week where we leverage technology to provide at home activities that connect to the lessons from the classroom. Sunday morning is the starting point for next step conversations with you children.
We’re going to have a lot of fun in class! And we’re going to do it for the glory of God and the sake of making His name great among the next generation! (Proverbs 22:6; Matthew 19:14)
We believe the Bible is our guide to the questions we are asking, the relationships we are living and the emotions we are feeling. Our goal for every Sunday message is to assist in our understanding of; the Bible, knowing Jesus, having a relationship with him and living for Him daily.
We are modern, yet biblical. Our messages are conversational storytelling, using real-life illustrations. Throughout the year, we cover a range of topics as well as in depth studies of specific books of the Bible.
Our hope is not just knowledge or emotion but to see our hearts move towards obedience in worship. (Hebrews 4:12, II Corinthians 5:17-21, Colossians 1:9-10)
What to Expect
What Should I Wear?
We are a ‘come as you are’ church family. There are no expectations or requirements.
Should I Bring My Own Coffee?
Joining us on a Sunday? We always have Roosevelt Coffee brewing in the Main Lobby for you. Please help yourself!
Where Should I Park?
Anywhere! No reserved spots here, but our parking attendants would be happy to assist you. Just enter the driveway off of Morris Rd. and we will see you soon!
Do I need to Check in?
While we would love to meet you, you don’t need to check-in to attend a service. However, if it is your first time visiting us we would like to give you a free t-shirt! Stop by the ‘Next Steps’ table in the Main Lobby on Sunday morning and let them know you are a VIP!
Is Childcare Provided?
Yes! We have Movement Kids that offers their own time of worship, lessons, crafts and snacks. It is available for ages birth through 5th grade. Check-in for Movement Kids is located outside of their respective classrooms. Just follow the signs to the right of the Main Lobby!
Do Students Meet on Sundays?
Nope! We encourage our Movement Students to join their friends and family for the 9am or 10:45am Worship Experience. But, Wednesdays are for Movement Students. Grades 6-12 are invited to ‘The Garage’ at 2881 Walker Rd. on Wednesdays from 7-9pm. Just look for the room with the garage door!
Do You Meet During the Week?
While we don’t meet as one central church during the week, we do meet as 20+ Movement Groups throughout the greater Columbus area! These groups prioritize biblical community and fellowship. You can join one by browsing our group listing on the Movement Groups page.
Have A Question?
We get it… And we’re here to help! If you have any questions about who where are, where we’re at, or how we do things, just ask!
Visit Us
2881 Walker Rd.
Hilliard, OH 43026
9am & 10:45am
(614) 219-9182