Family Dedications are an opportunity to dedicate your newest addition of your family to the Lord. This is not only a celebration to invite extended family to, but first steps a family can take in order to eventually lead their child to Christ. A traditional dedication focuses on the infant; however, Family Dedication also focuses on the parents and extended families of the child. Movement Church wants to support and equip families from the beginning of a child’s life in order to raise a generation that knows and follows Christ.
Pre-Dedication Workshop: Parents are asked to participate in a 30 minute gathering prior to the Family Dedication celebration. This workshop will challenge your worldview on parenthood and lead you through what is understood as ‘biblical parenthood’. This meeting serves not just as an informational teaching, but also a time of encouragement! We want you to leave feeling empowered by The Word to parent in a way that honors God and points your child to Him.
Family Dedication Celebration: The Family Dedication celebration will be on Saturday February, 22nd at Movement Church. This will include light refreshments, a family photobooth opportunity, as well as a time to introduce your child and dedicate your family. We encourage you to invite your friends and family who will continue to encourage and support you in this decision of leading your family.
Sharing With Your Church Community: Just because this dedication takes place on a Saturday, doesn’t mean your church family isn’t involved. The following Sunday, we will take a moment to share photos of your family during service. We will invite Movement Church to join us in praying for you and ask them to commit to being a support system that consistently points your family back to God.
Pre-Dedication Workshop: Sunday, February 16th at 12-12:45pm in The Garage at Movement Church (Childcare Provided). *Mandatory in order to attend on Saturday, February 22nd.
Family Dedication Celebration: Saturday, February 22nd 10am-11:30am in the Lobby at Movement Church. (Light refreshments provided)
What to Expect (2024 Dedication Gallery)